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Most Recent, 983 resultsNotification of Intended Works to Tree(s) in a Conservation Area
AROUND BUILDING & SURROUNDINGS (SEE MAP): 1 x Sycamore (T112) - Reduce the crown by 2m to a natural finished shape. 1 x Black Mulberry (T122) - Crown lift sublateral branches only to 2m. 1 x Common Oak (T125) - Crown lift to 3m from ground level. 1 x Wild Cherry (T137) - Crown lift to 3m from ground level. 1 x Wild Cherry (T138) - Crown lift to 3m from ground level. 1 x Silver Birch (T139) - Cutback from building ensuring 2m clearance. 1 x Raywood Ash (T171) - Reduce the crown by 1.5m to a natural finished shape. 1 x Raywood Ash (T172) - Reduce by 1.5m to a natural finished shape. 1 x Raywood Ash (T186) - Crown lift to 4m from ground level. 1 x London Plane (T201) - Prune away from building ensuring 2m clearance. 1 x London Plane (T202) - Prune away from building ensuring 2m clearance. 1 x London Plane (T205) - Prune away from building ensuring 2m clearance. 1 x Cherry Laurel (T279) - Prune away from building ensuring 2m clearance. 1 x Sycamore (T281) - Pollard to 14m.
Notification of Intended Works to Tree(s) in a Conservation Area
FRONT GARDEN: 1 x Magnolia (T1) - Reduce all round by up to 1m.
Application for Works to Tree(s) covered by a TPO
(TPO REF: C10-G4) REAR GARDEN: 1 x Lime (T1) - Crown reduction of approx. 2m. 2 x Limes (T2 & T3) - Reduce to historic pruning points to a height of approx. 7m from ground level to match height of T1 and trees in neighboring garden.
Application for Works to Tree(s) covered by a TPO
(TPO REF: C1327-T1 & T2) FRONT GARDEN: 2 x Limes (T1 & T2) - Reduce crown by approx. 1.25m - 1.5m all round. Remove epicormic growth on main stems. Remove basal epicormic growth as is practicable.
Notification of Intended Works to Tree(s) in a Conservation Area
REAR GARDEN: 1 x Ash (T1) - Thin crown density throughout by approx. 20% - 25%, concentrating on outer branch extremities. Remove weak epicormic growth throughout. Reduce crown by approx. 1.5m - 2m by means of reducing over extended branches back into main crown structure. 1 x Hornbeam (T2) - Thin crown density of lateral and sub lateral branches by approx. 20% - 25%. Reduce overlong branches back into main crown structure up to approx. 1.5m - 2.5m over neighbouring property.
Notification of Intended Works to Tree(s) in a Conservation Area
REAR GARDEN: 1 x Lilac (T3) - Fell to ground level.
Advertisement Consent
Replacement internally illuminated fascia sign, and externally down-lit projecting sign
Advertisement Consent
Display of an externally illuminated fascia sign.
Full Planning Permission
Replacement cladding and panelling for fire safety.
Approval of Details
Details of internal blinds pursuant to condition 3 or planning permisssion 2022/0508/P for the erection of single storey extensions.
Past Year, 4944 resultsApproval of Details
Approval of reserved matters pursuant to condition 4 (parapet brickwork) of planning permission ref 2024/0207/P, granted on 30/07/2024, for works to the roof including structural reinforcement, relaying and part replacement of slate covering, and part removal and rebuilding of front, side and rear parapets.
Advertisement Consent
Proposal to affix x4 temporary PVC advertising banners to the external railings of the building to promote the leasing of the Bloomsbury House x+why workspaces
Notification of Intended Works to Tree(s) in a Conservation Area
REAR GARDEN: 1 x Portuguese Laurel (T1) - Crown reduction by approx. 0.5m. Thin crown by 15%. 1 x Pittosporum (T2) - Crown reduction by approx. 0.5m. Thin crown by 15%.
Listed Building Consent
Internal alterations comprising removal of internal walls between kitchen and reception room and between bathroom and WC.
Householder Application
Replacement of single glazed timber frame windows at front, side and rear with double glazed uPVC frame windows.
Non Material Amendments
Amendments to planning permission 2023/2096/P dated 19/02/2024 (for: Erection of single storey rear and side infill extension to ground floor flat) NAMELY, changes to size and location of windows and doors to single storey rear and side infill extension
Certificate of Lawfulness (Proposed)
Use of property as a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3a).
Certificate of Lawfulness (Proposed)
Amalgamation of 2 x residential units at 3rd and 4th floor level (Flats 5 and 6) into a single self-contained unit (Class C3).
Advertisement Consent
Display of 2 x non illuminated fascia signs, 1x internally illuminated projecting sign, and 3x externally applied graphic signs.
Non Material Amendments
Amendment to typology of metal pedestrian gate and railings as approved under planning permission 2024/2871/P dated 21/10/2024, for 'Alterations to front boundary treatment including new gates and replacement of retaining wall and railings; existing garage refaced with brickwork; removal of 10 x trees'